Ladies Fishing Rodeo

October 10 & 11, 2025

Grand Isle Ladies Fishing Rodeo
A Great Party for a Great Cause!

The 17th Annual Grand Isle Ladies Rodeo
Columbus Day Weekend October 10 - 11, 2025


All money raised provides support to 4 local agencies that provide services for people with breast cancer. This is our 17th year to hold the rodeo and we have raised over $ 250,000.00 in the past to support the agencies. The agencies are Terrebonne General Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center, Thibodaux Regional Health Center, Lady of the Sea General Hospital.

Held at Bridge Side Marina, located at the foot of the Grand Isle bridge overlooking Caminada Pass. Tickets are $30 and include the rodeo hats/visors, door prizes, dinner and dance on Saturday night. T-shirts and other retail items will again be available. Sponsorship are being taken now - see our Sponsorship Page for details.

Consider becoming a Platinum, Gold, Silver, Diamond or Bronze Sponsor that includes hats/visors, and name on sponsor board. Team Fishing Teams will again dress up in festive costumes to participate in the Fishing Fashion Award Competition.  Make sure you enter the "Bra Competition" too.  Winning bra will be auctioned off.


Fish Categories

Adult Division:

Rat Redfish
Jack Crevalle
Speckled Trout
Mangrove Snapper

Kayak Division:

Rat Red
Speckled Trout

Girls Division
(5 to 15 years old):

Rat Redfish
Speckled Trout

2024 Winners!!


 Platinum - $ 2,500.00
GIS/Grand Isle Shipyard
South LA Automated Valve
Thin Lizzy

Gold - $ 1,000.00
Josef Cypel/Pat Leblanc
Lady of the Sea Hospital
R & D Enterprises of Gulf Region, Inc.
Southern Pride Charters

Silver - $ 500.00
Carter’s Jewelry
Dale’s Garbage Service
Hi & Dry Lifts/Peter Landgrave
Louisiana Towing & Recovery, LLC
Med Receivables, Inc.
MR Engineering & Surveying, LLC
Poche’ Planting Co.
REV TV/Internet Service
Speckled Trout Rodeo

Diamond - $ 300.00
A Day in Paradise
Ashley Barrios/ State Farm
CMA Technology Solutions
Cut Off Fishing Club
Eveready Marine
Golden Motors
Island Realty & Rental
Orleans Sheet Metal & Roofs
Native Island Daiquiri

Bronze - $ 100.00
Andy & Sue Galliano
Charles McDonald/Land Surveyer
Cherie’s Creations
City Group Hospitality
Cynthia Lee Sheng, Jefferson Parish President Diane Foto
Girls Rule! Fishing Tam/Roxie Riche
Island House RV/ Michelle & Lanny Chouinard Jo Bob’s Gas and Grill
Kristine Russell, Lafourche Parish District Attorney Lefort Furniture
Lighthouse Restaurant
Martha Ham/In memory of Margaret Surles Mary Alario
Michelle Lafont, Candidate for Sheriff of GM Paul Munafo
Paulette Jackson
Picciola Construction Co.
Sheriff Craig Weber, Lafourche Parish
Sheriff Greg Champagne, St. Charles Parish Starfish Restaurant
Tracy Bourgeois

In Kind
Andrea Harris
Blue Dolphin
Bradford Home Inspections
Bridge Side
Camaradelle’s Seafood
Cathy Funk
Four Horsemen Tackle
Gulf Breeze A/C & Electrical
ICheewawa Specialty Products
Jason Jarreau, Metal Art
LA Fish Fry
Mayor David Carmadelle
Melaco Sisters Hardware
Quality Print
Ricky & TJ Rockenschuh
Ricki Lynn & Reilyn Rockenschuh
Scott Bollich
Sureway Supermarket
Stephanie Fike
T.J. Rockenschuh
Wake Side
Where?s the Fish


Fish Categories:
Rat Red - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Mitch & Milo Young
Speckled Trout - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Denise A. Alleman
Sheepshead - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Sue & Andy Galliano
Cobia - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place GICDT
Drum - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place GICDT
Gafttop - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Cou’ Yon’s BBQ
Mangrove Snapper - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place GICDT
Flounder - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place South LA Automated Valve
Jack Crevalle - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place GICDT


Fish Categories:
Rat Red - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Thibodaux Regional Health System
Speckled Trout - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Thibodaux Regional Health System
Sheepshead - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Thibodaux Regional Health System
Catfish - 1st, 2nd, 3rd Place Thibodaux Regional Health System


Girls Fisherette Thibodaux Regional Health System
Ladies Fisherette GICDT
Team Fishing Fashion Award GICDT
Bra Competition GICDT